If you haven’t already heard, OnePlus is taking the Indian smartphone market by storm. OnePlus has now pushed past both Samsung, as well as Apple, to take the top spot in the premium segment of India, according to Counterpoint Research. OnePlus, which entered India merely 3 years ago to take on the flagships with its budget flagship killer, has managed to capture a 40% share in the premium segment. It’s closely followed by Samsung, with a 34% market share, while Apple has fallen down to 14% (its lowest market share to date) in Q2 2018. To acknowledge its success in the country, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has published an official statement saying that they’re just getting started. He then goes on to reminisce about the company’s memorable experiences, such as 2 lakh sign-ups to buy the OnePlus 2, which was quite overwhelming for them at the time. He further added, As humans, we are quick to judge, but you cannot do that with a country like India. India is today a community ...