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Showing posts from December, 2018

30 Cool and Awesome Inventions You Should Know About

Inventions, mostly, change the world for good by filling up gaps between our expectations and the available products. Since time unclocked, curiosity-driven and purposeful humans have invented innumerable objects that have not only helped the humankind at that moment but also inspired many other inventions, and the trend has been ever-growing. At present, the world witnesses millions of new inventions every day. United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) notes that 1.4 million patents were granted in 2017 and pragmatically, the number of inventors either awaiting a patent or having omitted the process altogether is expected to be much larger. Our brains could heat up and blow apart if we have to take a look at all of these awesome inventions, so we have handpicked 30 cool tech inventions of the present that might intrigue you, and might even make you want to jump out of your seat and try them out. While our list mostly comprises awesome inventions in the field o

10 Best Selfie Sticks For Taking Wonderful Selfies (2019)

Whether you’re Instagram famous or not, chances are you’ve clicked selfies at least sometimes, and if you’ve done that, I’m sure you know how difficult it can be to click group selfies and fit everyone in the frame. Even with phones like the Pixel 3, which have a dedicated wide-angle selfie camera, it can be difficult to fit a lot of people, or a lot of view in your selfies. That’s exactly where selfie sticks come in useful. So, if you’re looking for a great selfie stick for your smartphone, GoPro, or even your DSLR, here are the 10 best selfie sticks you can use: The Best Selfie Sticks Available Online Note : The price of each of the products listed below could vary based on the seller, offers applicable, or discounts offered by Amazon. 1. Yoozon Selfie Stick & Tripod If you are looking for a multi-purpose and functional selfie stick, with wireless capabilities, then this one from Yozoon seems to be the one you should pick. It is extendable up to the length of 26.6-inches , w

10 Best Action Games For Android

Mobile gaming has often been regarded as just a casual alternative when you can’t access your console or PC, but times have changed. Gone are the days of pixellated gameplay and choppy graphics because the new wave of mobile games, especially ones that fall in the action genre, bring everything from stunning visuals and smooth gameplay to impressive mechanics and a rich storyline to the table. If you are looking for some adrenaline-pumping action games for your Android smartphone, here’s a list of the 10 best mobile titles that’ll provide you a thrilling experience and will keep you engaged for quite some time. 10 Best Action Games For Android 1. PUBG Mobile This game is a phenomenon, and if you are into mobile gaming, you’ve probably played it or heard about it from friends. So, what’s unique about PUBG? Well, all you gotta do is land in a zone alongside 99 others in an abandoned area, collect weapons, kill enemies and be the last man standing . You can also drop with a partner i